Thursday, November 23, 2006

Calvin - "What I'm thankful for"

I'm thankful for Mama and for Jessica, the love of my life. I'm thankful for treats, especially dill and oatmeal. I'm thankful for fresh hay and trips to the Great Buffet (outside, when I take him out on his lead - Mama). I'm thankful for our new place - it's so much quieter than the old apartment, and there's more room to run and dance. I'm thankful that Mama goes to Meijer, the grocery store that has the best salad stuff (like dandelion, dill and mint), even though it's farther away than another store that doesn't carry all the great stuff she buys us. I'm thankful she knows that I don't like her taste in music and only plays the CD she bought for us (yes, there is a CD made just of music that bunnies like - why is that strange?) or classical stuff - Mozart piano music is playing right now, in fact.


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