Friday, August 15, 2008

Jasper is in Petco

Taking Carson's place at the Merrillville Petco is Jasper, the lop mix boy who I rescued from the local shelter:

I never saw his ears so low - usually they're more like 1:55 or 2:50 than 3:45 or 4:40 like they were at the store.

He seemed to settle in fine, and hopefuly he'll get a new home soon. I'm taking one of the big foster girls from another foster mom's house down to Indy tomorrow to go to her forever home, and Jodi will be going to that mom's house in her foster slot.

If it wasn't for Carson coming back, I'd be down to 10 buns again. Still, I'll have 11, which is one less than I've had for a while.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super cute pets!